Sereact PickGPT

Next level intelligent robotics

Simplifying robot interaction

Supports seamless communication between human operators and AI-powered robots, allowing workers to instruct robots through voice commands and an intuitive interface.

Vision-language picking

Fully understands and interprets product titles, descriptions, and other textual information to automatically identify corresponding products and correlate regions in an image.

Distinguishing between objects

Enable the transformer to distinguish packaging materials from products and sort them out. In addition, Sereact PickGPT provides additional quality control by detecting damaged items.

Grasping previously unseen objects

Sereact PickGPT's capabilities stem from its training on web-scale datasets, combined with synthetic and real-world robotics data. This enhances its scene understanding and enables it to generalize to new and previously unseen objects.

PickGPT Sereact

The easiest way to interact with robots

Sereact PickGPT is the key technology for fully autonomous robotics, by fusing the generative capabilities of large language and vision models with a deep understanding of robotic manipulation.

Robotic Vision

Unprecedented performance in robotics pick and place surpasses human intervention with unique autonomous capabilities. Easiest tool for instructing robots and configuring robotic application.

Leveraging a large vision action model trained on massive amounts of text data not only makes interactions easier, but also enables complex reasoning and planning.

Unique capabilities


Intuitive operation

Operated through natural language, allowing instructing and programming of robots without prior knowledge.

Exceptional scene understanding

Based on synthetic and real-world experience, Sereact PickGPT is able to operate in unseen environments and adapt effortlessly.

Zero-shot reasoning

Sereact PickGPT can understand and address a task's full scope and context, effectively resolving edge cases without further training.

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